Camping essentials will make your next trip to the campsite even more special so we have included 5 of our top items to put on your packing list. We know that getting out into the great outdoors happens to be an amazing experience that lets you reconnect with mother nature and savour the beauty that’s around you. The secret to a perfect camping trip is hidden in the time-saving planning you can do ahead of time, which is an essential part of the process and definitely helps to build excitement and expectation before you go.
When you have everything ready before you finally embark upon the camping trip you can enjoy it instead of feeling overwhelmed each time. In fact, having an ultimate camping list to use each time can really help make the process that much easier and lets you spend a stress-free time with your loved ones and make the trip much more fun. In this guide, we have a list of essentials to add to your list to help you on your way.
Camping Essential 1: Simple And Quick Hygiene Items
Your camping trip can turn out to be an uncomfortable nightmare if you forget to pack simple hygiene items, like wet wipes. So keep an ample supply as taking a shower is not always possible when you’re on a road trip or wild camping so it’s good to be prepared. Hand sanitizers and dry shampoo can also be a helpful addition to your packing list for those moments when you’re desperate for a hand and hair wash but have run out of options.
Camping Essential 2: Pack Up Your Solar Chargers
Improved solar chargers and the better technology available now are great for the campsite, especially as you can’t plug your device into a tree! So whether you want to use a GPS, check your emails or simply check a cook out recipe idea, having a fully charged device is great and solar chargers have absolutely revolutionized this. You can easily charge your devices during any camping trip with a quality solar charger.
These chargers can support your camera, phone, kindle, and any other electronic devices that you may have. It is also wise to go for waterproof chargers because it adds another layer of protection from water damage when you are out in the elements.
Camping Essential 3: Ample Charcoal Supply
There’s no doubt that while camping, it is a must to enjoy a nice warm campfire because that’s where the real memories are made, especially for children who can be involved in building it and cooking over it. The best thing you can do is make sure you are storing bulk charcoal while camping in the most effective way so it doesn’t get damp and to help with any fire hazards. Charcoal is a low smoke high heat option for the campfire and adds a great smoky flavour to food. So you can use it for warmth when lighting a bonfire to enjoy with friends and family or you can use it on your barbeque or on more traditional stoves for charcoal cooking instead of using gas.
Camping Essential 4: Ensure You Have a Smart First Aid Kit
This is something that every camper needs and you simply cannot forget! A smart and functional first aid kit is especially important when camping with the family or off-the-beaten-track because in emergency situations it is going to make a huge difference. You may want to include some common prescription medicines, including pain killers, antiseptics, antihistamines, bandages, and others medicines your friend and family need. Adding insect repellants and sunscreen to the list would also be a smart move.
Camping Essential 5: Sleep Matters, Even While Camping
Those unforgettable mornings on the campsite will not be enjoyed fully if you haven’t had a great night’s sleep. While the fresh air and exercise result in most not having to worry about this, for some sleeping while camping can be difficult. A couple of items that will help you get those Zzzz’s are sleeping pads, sleeping bags, and a high-quality tent that has been recently waterproofed. So spend some time exploring different options with these items and select the one that is most reliable, comfortable for your needs and high in functionality so you can get a great night’s sleep.
For us, these five items are some of the most important ones but it might be different for you. So it’s a great idea to make a list of items that you are planning on bringing on the camping trip and you can use our ultimate camping list to get you started. Once you have packed, don’t forget to double-check and ask your friends and family for anything specific that they may need but haven’t thought of. After all, camping is all about connecting with the ones you love most and giving yourself the space and time to relax at the campsite.
published 2022-04-01 11:40:42
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